Interested in the Real Story Behind my Writing Career?
You're in luck! I have a new website that reveals all.
Most writers don’t tell the truth about our writing careers — all the rejection and criticism we receive, and how frustrating the whole thing can be. It’s partly that we don’t want to depress people, but mostly, we want to portray ourselves as successful as possible, because we want to be more successful.
With this newsletter — and my spanking new website — I’m telling a different kind of writer’s story. I intend it to be a “behind the scenes” look at my books, movies, and writing career — warts and all.
And there have been a lot of warts.
To see what I mean, here are the real stories behind my movie projects — all the “behind the scenes” things I’ve never publicly talked about before.
And here is where you can read all about my books — both details about them and also the real stories behind how they came to be published:
I used to think all the crazy, infuriating things that have happened to me as a writer were unusually bad — that I had bad karma from a previous life, or maybe an evil fairy placed a curse on me the day I was born. But the older I get, the more I think my experience is fairly typical of a life in the arts, which is by its nature frustrating and unpredictable, with so many things completely out of your control.
Hopefully, you’ll find this interesting. I’ll also send out updates in the weeks and months to come.
P.S. For the record, I still love writing, and I have no regrets about the life-choices I’ve made.
I have a feeling we have a lot in common! 🤪
I’m all in on that!👍