Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by Brent Hartinger

One thing that stuck out to me in your article was,”People are really stupid, they don’t want to think.” It very much resonated with me as the perpetual “dork” throughout my life. I have always had a different perspective from those around me and would get frustrated when people could not see what I believed to be blatantly obvious. As I was looking for 80s inspiration for an event, I noticed just what your article pointed out, Madonna was the conventional answer and fashion amalgamation of what was transpiring around the time. While I was scouring the internet for 80s punk I couldn’t seem to escape her face, albeit a beautiful one… I know I am going to see a sea of lacy bows and skirts and just wanted to put something together from my closet a la combat boots and perhaps use this opportunity to don my tacky leather vest. However, from what I have gleaned so far, as you poignantly stated, Madonna was very much taking from all ends of the sub-cultures. I must say while I thought that I would have been a Debbie Harry girl, found out that she was more prevalent during the 70s… 90s Millennial here… I guess that I would have been more of a Lauper girl. Previously having worked in marketing, you are spot on with how Madonna has stayed relevant throughout the years. Bottom line is that humans are conformist by nature, which is why many philosophers, scientists, and artists were considered rebels or social heretics in their time. All that to say, Thank You for this article! Your article reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Carl Jung, “ thinking is difficult, that is why people judge.” Most people like Lauper herself who think outside the box and go their own way are usually appreciated after they are no longer on this Earth or are remembered as the oddity/ outlier. This is not necessarily a bad thing though, at least these geniuses have the self actualization to live by their own rules and those of us who are blessed to appreciate their streams of consciousness are better for it! Again, thank you for your article. Please forgive my poor grammar, my brain moves a little faster than my fingers, moreover, I have an issue trying to edit text on my phone. Edit, to add, I didn’t want to end without recognizing that Lauper is definitely successful in her right! I did not want my comment about people who think outside the box to be misconstrued as she has been forgotten… just that many who have the boldness to express themselves outside of convention are recognized later.

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Thank you! I appreciate the kind words very much. In retrospect, perhaps I was a bit hard on Madonna, who really did do some great worker later in her career (but not lately hahah)

Funny, I'm also a HUGE Debbie Harry fan, and you're right, she IS a Cyndi! I never put those two together before (because Debbie is so conventionally beautiful).

I'm glad you enjoyed the article! I really didn't mean to insult or piss anyone off...

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What do you think of Madonna's looks? Is she conventionally beautiful to you? Just wondering.

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Very much so, yes.

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